Wine Magic

Which of the Arts reaches and influences you most? Ours begins on a vine, then, over time becomes a Liquid art. Wine. And Wine-Magic. So much so that we try to share the experience and even healthy aspects of truly Fine wines. Also, from here, you may tap into a Fine Premium family of Wines, and have them delivered to your Door. Convenience in addition to Discovery as well as a kindred and widespread Community!

How To Best Experience Wine Magic!

Just Add Water!!

The most abundant substance on Earth and something along with air and sunshine our lives depend upon can also be the most relaxing and calming. Therefore, would it not stand to reason to upgrade that experience? Does the thought of a seashore stroll or diving over ocean waves, or even a warm bath or hot tub soak just make your mind reel? Does it get any better?

Things Improve When You Wine!

Add thereto a glass of your favorite Liquid Art. Pack your trusty blanket to spread in the sand and raise a glass of Red. Toast those tasty waves and a sunset with a(not too sweet) White. Lie back with lit candles and maybe your current Read and calming bubble bath and sip a Rose! Let Decompression begin, and experience the calmness, the health benefits and lock out a hard day at home, at work, anything invading your space!!  

This is Me-time, this is what you’ve earned and additionally, it keeps You going! Water and Fine Wine; Not to mention that love-interest in your life. Us-Time matters too! Read on, won’t you?

Ready for the Best Wine Experience -Click To Start Here-

Ditch the cell phone, turn off any electronic device, and the two of you simply repair to these tasty suggested surroundings. You may trade your surroundings if they love a bistro in town or a New England B&B. A loaf of bread some Fine Wine, and just you two! Just relax and watch the Magic happen!

Declare an “Event” of Your Own!

Who needs a birth or Holiday to enjoy a Fine Wine? Wednesday’s dinner can be an “event” to commemorate being over the proverbial “hump!” Serve an appetizer, bring on some Brie or other cheese, have some dark chocolate. When Friday comes, Repeat! Unless that’s your official Date Night for you Two.
You’ll wonder where Wine Magic has been all your life. Then you’re ready for the next Step!!

wine magic

Haven’t you ever wondered and thought How do those people I see tasting wine, sampling its Bouquet…..why is this such a Big Deal? Do you have friends well-versed into paring Wines with different foods who know to pair White with This or Rose with that? Why can’t I just have my Merlot or Port with everything? You CAN, if you wish. However, becoming an Ambassador on the Subject of Fine Wine will answer questions about Wine Life you never realized you have!!

We Get Our Fine Wines From Wine Ambassador

As a Member of our Exclusive Wine Club, (From Single Vineyards) each month, you will receive a different Premium Fine Wine, along with information about the wine, paring your wine with the best food choices, and even the reason certain Wines go with foods from a similar Area. Moreover, you will be in the finest company of fellow Ambassadors of All levels of knowledge, which incidentally, reaches around te world! And all delivered to…your…door!

Go ahead. Create that “Event” with a Filet Mignon or French Onion Soup. Ever considered Chinese or Thai takeout the start of a celebration? Bring one of our Fine Wines into the picture!! Keep Wine on hand, become a Collector! Of course, designate which you will share and Gift! See here why the addition of Fine Wine even to our interpersonal relationships is “la joie de vivre” waiting to happen!

Women + Wine = Excellent(And Then Some)!

Women, when they get together is usually a creation of laughs, inside jokes and usually some sort of trouble.  Add the perfect pairing of Fine Wine, some Glasses, and the Party is ready to go.  From the first pour to the last, everything becomes fun.

wine magic

Women. We all know a few. Perhaps a few Hundred! And we wish we had their ability to find fun and pleasure wherever! On a scale that’s grand or small; They know how to enjoy a moment or an evening. Whether a Night Out in their awesomest casual clothing, or tucked in a home in jammies watching that Christmas Channel’s latest fare.  Add to either the right foods, snacks and of course, Fine Wine, and little if anything is Wrong with the world.

And Then You Landed Here!!

And find a missing Piece. You can turn that affinity for Wine into a monthly enjoyment and even a life-lifting part or full-time income thru our exciting Wine Club!.  Imagine being able to enjoy delicious Wines, Share with a like-minded, worldwide and local community, and to be Paid in addition to do it! .

Watch to see how easy it is to Partake! You may enjoy the Wines on your own, gift them to those close to you, or even Participate!!

You may Have Fine Wines Delivered To Your Door

Get Access to Wines From Around The Globe (That you wouldn’t be able to get otherwise)

You owe it to yourself to receive Liquid Art delivered monthly to your door. The Best makers and exclusive wines from around the world. Each Wine is a different and unique experience and taste. Do’nt miss this opportunity to share with us this amazing discovery!!  You deserve to share in the flavor, the taste and the individual experience each wine presents to you. Our Wine of the Month Program is a gift to yourself for all you do and deserve!!

wine magic

Wine has long been considered an “elixir of the gods!” It has predated us all and will be here long after we are! However, For the Here And Now, our Wine of the Month will keep you enjoying, leaning about and Sharing the wonders and Magic of the world’s most original and enduring Drinkable Art!! Click just Above to learn how to participate!

wine magic

Soon you will have your very own Wine Cellar! With your choice each month, you’ll be able to determine what to keep, drink, or Share, be it Gifted or opened up for your next special Event. A Graduation, A New Job or Position or Big Announcement! There is little if anything Fine Wine cannot appropriately commemorate or celebrate!! And Our Wine of the Month Program. brings it all to you with Direct To Your Door Delivery. Convenience, Appreciation…Celebration!!

Why Not Tune In And See?

JOIN US each and every Wednesday LIVE for our Wine and Dine Wednesdays! at 5:30pm (PST) / 6:30pm (MST) / 7:30pm (CST) / 8:30pm (EST) / 9:30pm (AST) on our “Zoom Meeting Room” /.